used with permission from HP Technology at Work When it comes to business email, change is in the air. Web-based platforms have all but taken over the personal email market—Gmail alone has over 425 million active users worldwide and counting [1]. With Microsoft® also...
SpireTech Company News and Tips
Office 2013 vs. Office 365
Since the announcement of Microsoft's new options for their productivity software releases for this year, there has been a lot to consider. The journalists and bloggers have been picking over the licensing agreements since the release and have found some changes that...
Microsoft Announces New Office
Microsoft announced the release of Office 2013 at the end of January. The new productivity suite is the first built to use on Windows 8. Also announced was the release of Office 365 for the home user. Office 365 has been around for a while, but only available to...
Beware of Hidden Markup in Office files
A useful feature for collaboration in Office documents is the concept of markups. This feature allows you to track changes made to a document and even offers the ability to mark comments that can be made invisible when looking at the "final" product. When trading a...
No Office for iPad says Microsoft. (Really?)
In response to an article at The Daily that Office for the iPad coming in the next few weeks, Microsoft denied it's developing an iPad version of Office Suite; a move that suggests they want to strengthen their own attempt into the tablet arena. This...