In more recent security news - a database of 450,000 user names and passwords of Yahoo Voice users was stolen and produced to the internet. Unfortunately for Yahoo Voice's users, the passwords weren't encrypted. Lucky for us, Anders Nilsson, a Swedish security expert,...
SpireTech Company News and Tips
Dropbox – Customer Information Compromised
Some Dropbox users started complaining that they had received spam to accounts created and used solely for Dropbox. Claims of spam sent to users started to mount and, as Dropbox didn't sell this user information, the first thought on everyone's mind was that Dropbox...
Tablet Wars
Both Microsoft and Google presented a new tablet in the last few weeks of June. Over the coming months we'll explore the features and flaws of these devices as more detail is exposed. There will be time to explore the differences as we highlight each of these devices...
Chat With a Hacker
Researchers at AVG got an interesting visitor while analyzing a virus. The virus programmer popped in for a chat. In the AVG labs, they had installed a virus (that impostors itself as an instructional video for the new video game, Diablo 3) to take a look at what it...
SpireTech Labs: OwnCloud
OwnCloud is an open-source software package that allows companies to setup a dropbox-like environment for employee use. It comes with clients for windows, mac, linux, android, and very soon, iOS – as well as a server component that works on either Linux or Windows. ...
Your Mouse is Obsolete
A relatively new startup in the bay, Leap Motion, has been causing a stir as they have unveiled the fruits of this last year's labor - an affordable, fast, motion detection system for the PC and Mac. It has already been hailed as the final blow to the mouse. Since the...
Hot New Wheels
We recently gave the Spire Tech service vehicle a face lift - it's now emblazoned with our logo. Quite a few people have asked about the skyline and where we got it. The pencil drawing of the iconic Portland skyline was hand drawn by Architect and artist Geoff Parker....
Seagate Moves to Buy LaCie
LaCie has a large market share in Europe and Japan, markets Seagate is interested to get their brand into. More of note is LaCie had enjoyed a fruitful relationship with Apple, being the primary pioneer in the use of a new external storage technology,...
SpireTech Labs review: OnApp
At the 2011 hostingcon conference, we ran into OnApp's mega-booth right as we entered the exhibit hall. Impressive. These guys must be big, or well-funded. They claim to have some fairly large reference customers that we have heard of, so we decided to take a...
SpireTech Labs
At SpireTech, we spend a lot of time evaluating new technology. For every product or service we offer, there are probably ten that don't make the cut. We thought it would be a good idea to start sharing what we've learned - the good and the bad. Even though this...