As you may be aware, the software company Kaspersky has recently been a heated topic of discussion in the media and amongst the IT security community. Last month U.S. government agencies were told to use other security solutions. SpireTech, as are most IT...
SpireTech Company News and Tips
Are social logins safe to use?
used with permission from Norton by Symantec By now you’ve noticed you typically have two options to log in to an online account. One is the traditional username and password combination. The other is the social login, which uses your credentials for a social...
A Short Guide to Data Security Practices for Your Business
Much has been said about data security practices and cybersecurity measures that businesses should follow. All the information and recommendations out there can be confusing and overwhelming. Large data breaches and multiple scary ransomware attacks have dominated the...
SpireTech Has Moved Temporarily
SpireTech Has Moved Temporarily – but just to the other side the street! Following the dumpster fire in July, which damaged the lower levels of the building where SpireTech occupies the top floor, we have relocated our “people space” to another building in the same...
Kaspersky AntiVirus Notice
SpireTech has been monitoring developments relative to security questions being raised about Kaspersky Anti-Virus software, including the US federal government’s restrictions for federal agencies announced on September 13, 2017. SpireTech is currently...
7 tips to prevent ransomware
used with permission from Norton by Symantec Malicious software that uses encryption to hold data for ransom has become wildly successful over the last few years. The purpose of this software is to extort money from the victims with promises of restoring encrypted...
Why bother with updates and upgrades?
When was the last time you thought about software updates and hardware upgraes? For many, updating software and hardware is not a priority because “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. However, it’s clear that today’s cyber attacks prey on vulnerabilities present in old...
Start with security – and stick with it
used with permission from, by Thomas B. Pahl, Acting Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection When it comes to data security, what’s reasonable will depend on the size and nature of your business and the kind of data you deal with. But certain principles...
Update on the dumpster fire and repairs to our generator system
After the recent dumpster fire, our electricians have been hard at work to get everything back to normal. New permanent conduits, transfer switch, and wire have been installed, and repairs to one of our two generators are under way. While our generator is being...
4 ways to help your remote employees collaborate better
used with permission from Microsoft US Small and Midsize Business Blog Remote employees have come a long way since the days when trying to work while away from the workplace was like a sentence in solitary confinement. Thanks to the Cloud, they no longer have to use...