SpireTech Company News and Tips


CloudBleed and You

You may have heard about a recent vulnerability that has affected Cloudflare, and therefore certain sites that use cloudflare services.  Cloudflare is a "Content Delivery Network" or CDN, and is used to speed up websites by acting as a "cache" that sits between...

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Security Update on POODLE Vulnerability

A couple of days ago a new vulnerability was uncovered called “POODLE”. This vulnerability potentially places all web servers at risk that allow lower forms of encryption (SSL version 3). If exploited, data that should be secure could be compromised. There are a...

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Google says you should use SSL on your website

Google announced that websites that use SSL (https) encryption will now be rewarded with better search engine ranking. Right now, the effect is minimal, but over time this will become more important to your SEO efforts. The message is if you aren't using SSL now, time...

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The dark side of Internet search

The Internet search engine Shodan has made a splash by getting a spotlight on multiple blogs and sites like CNN this month. There is a lot of sniffing and crawling that happens on the internet; Shodan's niche is the darker side of the internet - sites that aren't...

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