Most clients have us update their systems on Tuesday nights – but we can’t update them if they are powered off. Please remember to leave your systems plugged in and powered up when you receive the update reminder – it helps us keep your systems updated and...
SpireTech Company News and Tips
Managed Service Client updates
A look back at what we’ve accomplished together over the last 8 months
As the summer comes to a close and kids get ready to return to school (virtually), we thought it’d be a good time to reflect on what we’ve all accomplished together over these last several months. We’ve been busy, driving key initiatives, and helping clients...
Zoom and Teams added to the list of software we support
With the recent news around Zoom and security updates, we have added it to the list of third-party software we automatically update. While we’ve supported Teams for some time, we’ve formally added it to the list of...
Windows 7 Contractual issues
We are going to remove Windows 7 systems from SpireTech support effective July 1, 2020. Microsoft ended support for Windows 7 on January 14th, 2020. We have been giving everyone some extra time to get those last...
Changes needed in security policy due to WFH
Some of the security concerns we’ve been warning clients about recently have turned out to be true. Read on to hear about recent incidents, what we’ve already done, and are planning to do to further shore things up. Each Managed...
SpireTech announces new server cloud migration technology
Apr 1, 2020 Portland, OR. - for immediate release In response to an uptick in demand for customers to work from home, SpireTech has developed some new technology to rapidly move legacy servers to the...
WFH security issues
We remain very concerned about recent security issues related to work from home, including: Proper anti-virus and anti-malware software installed on home systems Patch management and updates of home systems VPN’s allowing additional paths for...
From the trenches: An IT worker’s perspective on WFH issues
IT workers around the world have been busy the last couple of weeks. At SpireTech, the service desk has been slammed with issues relating to everybody getting setup to work from home (WFH) and we apologize for any...
Improved client reporting rolling out in March
Starting this month, SpireTech VIPsupport Managed Services clients will be receiving improved reports. These reports will go to the main contact(s) in your organization charged with overseeing your SpireTech relationship. The reports are interactive with...
Working remotely policies and procedures
With recent headlines, has your company considered what might happen if your employees needed to work from home suddenly? Does your company have policies and procedures in place for working remotely? SpireTech can help you get ready. Things to consider...