SpireTech Company News and Tips


7 tips to prevent ransomware

used with permission from Norton by Symantec Malicious software that uses encryption to hold data for ransom has become wildly successful over the last few years. The purpose of this software is to extort money from the victims with promises of restoring encrypted...

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Google Docs phishing attack

As some of you may already be aware of, there has been a large scale email phishing attack that impersonates a Google Docs request. Although it may appear that the email requests are coming from a known sender or domain, they are using techniques to spoof those...

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6 steps to securing your email

used with permission from HP Technology at Work Is your company's email providing a tempting route for cyber criminals to attack your business? Hackers continue to target businesses with phishing attacks. Once opened, these malicious email messages can hijack an...

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