SpireTech Company News and Tips


Clearwire Stumbles

The Clearwire, a wireless-broadband provider, took a heavy blow at the end of February after Google announced plans to sell all its shares in the company. Clearwire has struggled to be profitable and has requested more funding.  Clearwire Chief...

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Anyone for PIE?

Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE), a uniquely Portland celebration of creativity and entrepreneurship, announced they are accepting applications for a new class. PIE, started in 2009, is a collaboration of Weiden + Kennedy and other denizens of the PDX tech...

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Telecommuting: The Direction Business is Moving?

Isaac Asimov once said, “The only constant is change.” This is not only true in life, but in business as well. One trend that has changed in recent years is the popularity of telecommuting. Although many people have differing opinions regarding this, it has not been around long enough, on a large enough scale, to see its true impact on business

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