Much has been said about data security practices and cybersecurity measures that businesses should follow. All the information and recommendations out there can be confusing and overwhelming. Large data breaches and multiple scary ransomware attacks have dominated the...
SpireTech Company News and Tips
Why bother with updates and upgrades?
When was the last time you thought about software updates and hardware upgraes? For many, updating software and hardware is not a priority because “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. However, it’s clear that today’s cyber attacks prey on vulnerabilities present in old...
Start with security – and stick with it
used with permission from, by Thomas B. Pahl, Acting Director, FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection When it comes to data security, what’s reasonable will depend on the size and nature of your business and the kind of data you deal with. But certain principles...
Engage your customers with content – 6 tips for small businesses
used with permission from Microsoft US Small and Midsize Business Blog A few years ago, a startup called Groove that makes helpdesk software found itself just months from running out of money. The founders did something unusual for businesspeople in that situation:...
Scammers are not “friends” to small business owners
used with permission from the FTC, by Rosario Méndez Scammers try to contact people in many ways. They call, email, put ads online, send messages on social media and more. If you own a small business, they’re trying to contact you, too. Lately we’ve been hearing about...
Breaking down silos – tools for better communication and collaboration
used with permission from Microsoft Office Blogs Today’s workforce is spread across more locations than ever before: 37 percent of workers telecommuted to some degree in 2015. Companies occupy multiple locations, and business partnerships span the globe. In...
Why you need to get serious about cybersecurity
used with permission from HP Technology at Work More than half of small and midsize businesses in the U.S. have suffered a cyber attack in the past year—but despite this frightening reality, very few businesses are making IT security a priority this year. That's a big...
From the Break Room to the Boardroom: Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity in the Workplace
used with permission from Norton by Symantec, by Nadia Kovacs Whether you own a small business or a big one, you live in a world where cybersecurity is of paramount importance. Big business, small business, academic institutions, government agencies, nonprofits… all...
Tune Up Your Telephone Skills
How do you sound to your customers and co-workers? First impressions are lasting impressions. That's why every telephone conversation counts. The impression you make on your co-workers and customers is based on your tone of voice, energy and attitude. Because so many...
3 Technologies for Streamlining Customer Communications
used with permission from, by Anita Campbell Ask the typical small business owner which methods his or her company uses to communicate with customers, and email is likely to be at or near the top of the list. But what happens as your business grows? If your...