Many of our email customers have been using our SquirrelMail webmail interface for years. However, as time has gone by, SquirrelMail has received very few updates to remain current with the latest security standards. Therefore, we are making the transition to a new webmail interface called Roundcube.
At present, both interfaces are available, but we will be retiring the SquirrelMail interface at the end of March 2019. We recommend that you visit the new Roundcube interface by visiting
Please note that while all mail will be visible, address book entries from SquirrelMail will not carry over automatically to Roundcube. This can be solved by exporting contacts out of SquirrelMail and into Roundcube by doing the following:
1: In SquirrelMail, click the “Addresses” Link:

2: Scroll all the way to the bottom of your Address list, and click the “Export to CSV file” button.

3: A dialog may appear asking to save the file. This dialog may not appear, depending on the browser, settings, and operating system.

4: Log in to the new interface at

5: Click the “Address Book” icon on the top right of the screen:

6: Click the “Import” icon in the toolbar:

7: Click the “Browse” button below:

8: Find the file that was downloaded before. The file name should be called [your email username]-addresses.csv. This dialog and process may be different per browser and operating system.

9: Click the “Import” button.

You should receive a message “Successfully imported [number] contacts”. Click the Address Book button again to go back and see the new contacts!

If you have any questions about the new interface, feel free to reach out to our IT Support professionals in Portland for assistance.