SpireTech Company News and Tips


Yes, Solid State Drives do “Wear Out”

The postmortem and what you need to know We’ve known for some time that there are a finite number of writes that a solid state hard drive can endure. This is because the type of memory commonly used for SSD data storage can only be erased a certain number of times....

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A word about passwords

used with permission from FTC Business Center Blog by Lesley Fair On the old game show "Password," the host whispered a word to contestants, who then gave clues to celebrities. The first to guess correctly advanced to the Lighting Round. The loser went home with a...

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Summer Slowdown? Make the Most of It

used with permission from SBA.gov by Sarah Field While some seasonal businesses hit primetime during the summer, many others see a major slow-down as clients and customers go on vacation (and as new projects are postponed until after said vacationing.) Never fear –...

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How to Communicate During a Disaster

used with permission from SBA.govby Sarah Field The idea of returning to “business as usual” when you're in the middle of a disaster can seem impossible.  While it is absolutely possible to make a full recovery, especially with the resources available to...

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Use Location Services More Safely

used with permission from Microsoft Safety & Security Center Does your phone know where you are? If you've used your phone to find directions or locate a nearby restaurant, you've used its global positioning system (GPS) and it's likely that it would be...

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